John faircloughs fototography
M. 07765-514500
For the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation (2024), we, “John Fairclough’s Fotography”, are a data controller and processor. This privacy policy sets out how we collect and use the personal information ('personal data') you provide us with directly or through use of our website. This privacy policy may be amended or added to from time to time. The latest version will appear on our website. We will only process personal data as set out in this privacy policy (as amended or added to) or otherwise notified to or agreed by you or as we are otherwise permitted to do in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (2018).
In order to process your booking, register you as a client or respond to an enquiry, we need to collect personal data from you. Depending on what's required, the personal data we collect may include names and contact details, credit/ debit card or other payment information and special requirements such as those relating to any disability or medical condition which may affect holiday arrangements and any dietary restrictions which may disclose your religious beliefs ('sensitive personal data'). All references in this privacy policy to personal data include sensitive personal data unless otherwise stated.
Appropriate personal data will be passed on to the relevant suppliers of your
arrangements (for example hotels, local agents, etc.) and any other third party who need to know it so that you're course, workshop or tour can be provided. We do not store credit or debit card information. You supply these details directly to Stripe who make these transactions on our behalf. The information may also be provided to government / public authorities such as customs or immigration if required by them, or as required by law. On occasions, we may use other companies to provide services on our behalf, such as emails and marketing material. We only provide third parties with the personal data they require in order to deliver their services (for example
email address). Our newsletter and other marketing communications are
managed at this moment in time, privately
Other than in relation to government / public authorities (over whom we have no
control), we will take appropriate steps which are intended to ensure that anyone to
whom we pass your personal data for any reason agrees to keep it secure, only uses
it for the purposes of providing their services as subcontracted by us and does not
collect any personal data from you in the course performing their services. If we
cannot pass personal data to the relevant suppliers or any other third party as
applicable, whether in the EEA or not, we will be unable to fulfil your booking. In
making your booking, you consent to personal data being passed on to the relevant
suppliers and other third parties.
Your personal data may be stored, used and otherwise processed within the UK and/or any other country(ies) of the European Economic Area (EEA). EEA countries are all member states of the European Union together with Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein. We may also store, use or otherwise process personal data outside the EEA. Data protection laws may not be as strong outside the EEA as they are in the EEA. Personal data will not be transferred to a country outside the EEA unless (1) the country to which it is transferred is one which the European Commission considers to provide an adequate level of data protection or (2) the personal data is transferred to a United States company which has signed up to the Safe Harbour scheme or (3) the personal data is transferred to a company which is required by our contract with them only to deal with the data in accordance with our instructions and to maintain appropriate security to protect the personal data which we are satisfied they have or (4) we are obliged to provide the personal data to a government / public authority in order to provide your workshop or tour.
We would also like to store and use your personal data for future marketing purposes (for example, sending you a brochure or other marketing material) by Aspect2i only when you have told us that you wish us to do so. When providing your details to us you will have the option to decline the use of your personal data for future marketing purposes.
In common with most websites, our website uses cookies. A 'cookie' is a small data file which our website server stores on your computer in order to collect information about your visit and to remember you when you visit again at a later date. The main purpose of a cookie is to identify users and to personalise their visit by customising web pages for their use. We may also use third parties who will collect non personally identifiable data (such as the IP address of a user's computer) to analyse site visits and carry out other similar activities. In the course of doing so, they may place their own cookies on your computer so that they can collect information about your visit. You may if you wish disable or delete such cookies through your internet browser. However, doing so may mean you will be unable to access our website or parts of it, your experience of our website may be adversely affected and/or you may not receive information which is relevant to your personal interests.
We take appropriate technical and organisational measures which are intended to prevent unauthorised or unlawful processing of personal data and accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, personal data. Our website is hosted by “Reg123”. The “Reg123” privacy policy can be found on their site.
You are entitled to ask us (by letter or e-mail) what details of yours are being held or processed, for what purpose and to whom they may be or have been disclosed. You may also request that such details are removed from our systems and those third parties used to process your bookings and other communications with you. We promise to respond to your request within the requirements set out in the General Data Protection Regulation (2018) having received your written request.
If you believe that any of your personal data which we are processing is inaccurate or incorrect please contact us immediately.